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Bridge Crossers

When I was growing up, we took family road trips every summer from Wisconsin to the southern parts of the United States. One thing I remember very clearly is that when going across a bridge, everyone in the car had to become silent due to the driver's almost debilitating fear of bridges. I never quite understood her anxiety, but I sat quietly in the back seat, with only the final destination in mind. I was very aware of the bridge's purpose, as it was a necessary part of the journey. And quite frankly, I was confident we would make it to the other side.

When we look at the picture below, this massive solid structure made of steel, we recognize it as a bridge. We rely on it to get us from point A to closer to our desired destination. We usually drive across in blind faith, believing that it will hold up and serve its unique purpose, "to provide passage over a river, chasm, road or the like," according to

Bridge Crossers

There is a bridge crossing of sorts that we must willingly choose in order to achieve true Equity. And when embarked on together, it will take all of us, an entire people group, to the place we long to be; The place of fair and proper treatment for all people.

So, where are the bridge crossers? You know, those who will no longer allow fear of the unknown or the what-ifs hold them back or the people who have made up their minds to no longer turn a blind eye to injustice.

For Equity to be achieved for all people, we must decide to take the bridge that leads to the other side, the side where everyone wins. For too long, we have allowed the opinions or wrong thinking of others to construct walls that have kept us divided instead of demanding they point us towards the bridge that takes us to the other side.

When the narrative dished out to us each day is intended to keep us from believing that better exists, we must decide to upset that narrative through correct beliefs and honorable actions which will allow us to move forward, beyond the past and into an improved future.

Consider this: What if on the other side of that bridge is your dream job that someone almost kept you from going after because of the doubt they planted in your mind due to their unfortunate experiences?

What if on the other side of that bridge is a wonderful human being who looks nothing like you but embraces you as a family?
Friends turned family

What if on the other side of that bridge is your future business partner who has been waiting for someone who thinks like you to partner with him in starting what will become one of the most successful businesses in the world?

What if on the other side of that bridge is the funding for you to attend college because a generous donor has been waiting to invest her money in an intelligent, determined individual like you?

Some destinations cannot be reached without crossing over those bridges intended to take us from where we are to where we are destined to be.

Can I encourage you to take the bridge that leads to the other side? The repercussions of not are far too great.
Go for it!


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